Tuesday, 26 November 2013

God of War

God of war is a third person action adventure game released in 2005.
The setting is placed in ancien Greece where you play the protagonist Kratos, a Spartan warrior who serves the Olympian Gods.
He was once a successful captain in the Spartan army, and he let his men to many victories, before he was defeated by a barbarian king. Facing death, Kratos called on the God of War, Ares, who he promised to serve if the god could spare him and his men, and provide them power to destroy their enemies.
He later lead an attack on a willage occupied by worshipers of Athena. Ares had behind Kratos back, secretly transported Kratos' wife and child to the village. During this attack, Kratos accidentally killed his family. Ares thought this act would free Kratos to become the perfect warrior. The oracle of the destroyed village cursed him by bonding the ashes of his dead family to his skin, turning it ashwhite.
Athena tasks Kratos with killing Ares. He goes out to find the one object that is capeable of stoping Ares. ''Pandoras Box''. After an epic quest, Kratos successfuly kills Ares as the new God of War.

While playing the game you see a lot of known mythical creatures such as Minotaur, Centaurs, Medusa, Cyclops and others. I've always been interested in creatures and mythology, so the design of those are very important to me when I play a game. It gives it a huge extra pluss for me when they have welldesigned creatures and surroundings. Therefor I will show a couple that you can see in the various god of War games.

Monday, 25 November 2013

Final Fantasy - A realm reborn

Final fantasy games has been created for many years, and there are now up to over 14 final fantasy games.
Mostly they are known for their really good graphics made byJapan.

Recently they announced a second final fantasy online game named A Realm Reborn, which seemed to get a lot of good positive feedback.You have 5 different races to choose between. You can change everything from hair and haircolour, to eyes and skincolour among with a lot of other facial feautures. The colours on the hair, eyes and skin all has a 200 colour pattern.
So lets start with the first race.
Hyur: The most human like Race.

Elezen:An Elf like race

Lalafell: Diminutive humanoids

Roegadyn: Physycally large and
muscular race.

Miqo'te: Feline race of hunters.

Then we have 8 classes and 8 jobs. You need two classes to make one job. For example.. Thamaturge in lvl 30 and an archer in lvl 15 will make you a black mage.
The other nice thing about this system is that you can lvl up in any classes you want, so you can have all the jobs on one character. Your weapon is what makes you the class/job you're in. For example, if you are an archer, you use a bow. But if you want to change in to a conjurer, you will just have to equip your staf, and your class and lvl will be syncronized to your conjurer. If you want to go back at using an archer for a higher lvl quest, you just have to equip your bow again. This kind of system has as far as I've seen, only been used in final fantasy A realm Reborn.
I wont list all the classes, but I can list all the jobs.

Paladin: Gladiators who wield the classic sword and shield combination

Monk: Uses their physical strenght and hand-to-hand combat skills.

Warrior: Uses mighty battle axes.

Dragoon:  Defends their city-state by using their spears. They are the sworn enemies of the dragons.

Bard: They are expert marksmen who have developed songs to invigorate their allies in battle.

White mage: They are master conjurers with access to the most powerful healing and support spells.

Black Mage: They sacrifice their souls to delve deeper into the forbidden arts, magnifying their magical power exponentially.

Summoner & Scholar: Summoners are able to bind the essence of the mighty Primals and bend them to their will.
Scholars employ fairies as pets, providing healing and support for their allies.

Besides from lvl'ing up jobs and classes, you also have to follow the mainstory, and be a part of many small quests. You also meet other people, and learn how to work together as a theme during dungeon quests, where you have to be 4 players. The tank distracts the enemies from hurting the other team, the healer heals the tank as well as the other team if its needed, and the two others help killing the enemies.